Kinder Houston Area Survey: 2023 Results
The 42nd Kinder Houston Area Survey provides a glimpse into how Houstonians are thinking about the economy, affordable housing, inequality, and other critical challenges and issues facing their communities.

Kinder Houston Area Survey: 2022 Results
The 41st Kinder Houston Area Survey shares Houstonians’ views on the economy, crime, the pandemic and other issues related to the city’s demographic transformations.

Kinder Houston Area Survey: 2021 Results
For the past four decades, Rice University’s Kinder Houston Area Survey (KHAS) has been tracking the changing attitudes and beliefs of Harris County residents. The 2021 survey summarizes the most consequential changes and their implications for public policy initiatives going forward.

The Urban Sun Belt: An Overview
This report documents the unique set of urban challenges Sun Belt Cities face.

Kinder Houston Area Survey: 2020 Results
For close to four decades, the Kinder Houston Area Survey has been tracking the changing attitudes and experiences of Houstonians.

Kinder Houston Area Survey: 2019 Results
Through 38 years of Houston surveys, KHAS has tracked responses to the economic and demographic transformations of the Bayou City.
Refugee Realities: Between National Challenges and Local Responsibilities in Houston, TX
This report provides a comprehensive picture of ongoing challenges to refugee resettlement in Houston.

Kinder Houston Area Survey: 2018 Results
37th annual Kinder Houston Area Survey

Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund Needs Assessment: Phase Two
The second phase of the Kinder Institute for Urban Research’s needs assessment work on behalf of the Greater Houston Community Foundation and the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund.

Cementing Millennials Downtown: Expressions and Impacts
This report explores how real estate developers are cementing Millennials in the downtowns of two Sun Belt cities, Phoenix and Houston, which are emerging sites of Millennial migration.

Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund Needs Assessment: Phase One
The first phase of the Kinder Institute for Urban Research’s needs assessment work on behalf of the Greater Houston Community Foundation and the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund.

Kinder Houston Area Survey: 2017 Results
36th annual Kinder Houston Area Survey

Taking Stock: Housing Trends in the Houston Area
A report analyzing housing trends in the Houston metropolitan area.

This report attempts to assess and map the Opportunity Youth and Young Adult population as well outline strategies for success for educators, service providers and employers looking to prevent and combat disengagement.

The Shifting City: Houston's Unequal History of Racial Change
This report provides a comprehensive look at the evolution of the Houston area’s racial/ethnic composition on a small geographic scale.

Urban Edge
Religious identities shift in Houston and the U.S. with rise of the ‘nones’
In the last 15 years, more Houstonians have become religiously unaffiliated, according to the Kinder Houston Area Survey. In the 2009 survey, 54% of respondents identified as Protestant and 31% as Catholic. In 2024, Protestants decreased to 38% and Catholics to 26%.

Houston has an independent political streak, but it mirrors the nation on several key issues
Houston has had a lengthy run of residents affiliating as politically independent, according to 40-plus years of Kinder Houston Area Surveys.

A Houston initiative helped 2,000 people of color become homeowners — but there’s more work to do
After renting for the majority of her adult life, Tonia Macklin recently became a homeowner for the first time. The native of southeast Houston achieved this goal with the assistance of the Harris County Homeownership Collaborative’s Own the HOU initiative, a multiorganization effort that seeks to bridge the homeownership gap for people of color.

After getting the lights back on, what’s Houston’s biggest problem going forward?
Over the course of about four weeks early in 2024, residents across Harris County were asked their opinions on a variety of topics as part of the Kinder Houston Area Survey. That includes a question that has been asked every year since the survey’s founding in 1982: “What would you say is the biggest problem facing people in the Houston area today?”

While Harris County grows a little, its suburbs see big change
Harris County is continuing to grow, but not at the rate of neighboring counties, a trend established more than a decade ago that has more recently emerged among other big counties statewide.

Kinder Institute Forum: Robert L. Santos
Robert L. Santos, director of the U.S. Census Bureau, will discuss leveraging data to advance equity and diversity, lessons learned from the 2020 census, and plans to reach historically undercounted communities in 2030.

Kinder Institute Luncheon 2023
The annual luncheon brings together hundreds of business, nonprofit and community leaders to learn about the leading issues facing our community and country.

Kinder Institute Luncheon 2022
After two years of virtual events, the 2022 Kinder Institute Luncheon will once again be one of Houston’s most insightful gatherings of business and community leaders!

Kinder Institute Lunch-Out 2021
The Kinder Institute held its 2021 annual luncheon on Tuesday, May 11 as a virtual Lunch-Out. Guests from Houston and around the world gathered online to hear Stephen Klineberg and other institute leaders share the findings from the 40th Kinder Houston Area Survey, and discuss key aspects of the institute’s transformative efforts in response to the challenges of the pandemic.

The Urban Sun Belt: Setting The Agenda
This webinar explores findings from a report from the Kinder Institute on the urban Sun Belt – covering such topics as demographic change, the economy, housing, and sprawl. A panel discussion follows the presentation

Urban Reads: Stephen L. Klineberg
Kinder Institute Founding Director Stephen Klineberg talks with Director Bill Fulton about his new book, which tracks the progress of Houston during almost four decades of remarkable economic, demographic and technological change.

Kinder Institute Lunch-Out 2020
Stephen Klineberg presents the findings from the 39th Kinder Houston Area Survey. The event also honors Rev. William A. Lawson with the 2020 Stephen L. Klineberg Award for more than 60 years of service to Houston and its people.

Kinder Institute Luncheon 2019
The 2019 Kinder Institute luncheon gathered thousands of Houston’s business, nonprofit and community leaders to hear Stephen Klineberg present the findings from the 38th annual Kinder Houston Area Survey. The event also honored Jeff Hines, president and CEO of Hines.

Kinder Institute Luncheon 2018
Stephen Klineberg presented the 37th annual Kinder Houston Area Survey, which tracked not only the transformations of our great city, but also how residents' views changed in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. This year's event honored Angela Blanchard, long-time leader of BakerRipley,

Physical Address
Rice University
Kraft Hall
6100 Main Street, Suite 305
Houston, TX 77005-1892