Coffee & Quality Case Study #2: Alexander Jewish Family Service
The second Coffee & Quality Case Study focused on Alexander Jewish Family Service, a social service nonprofit working with individuals of all ages located in southwest Houston.
Coffee & Quality Case Study #2: Alexander Jewish Family Service
The second Coffee & Quality Case Study focused on Alexander Jewish Family Service, a social service nonprofit working with individuals of all ages located in southwest Houston.
Opportunity Youth Healthcare Pipeline Study
The Opportunity Youth Healthcare Pipeline initiative seeks to connect youth with career opportunities in the health care sector in the Houston region. This in-depth study explores the operational dynamics, challenges, opportunities and successes of the program.
Coffee & Quality Case Study #1: Angel Reach
This first Coffee & Quality Case Study focuses on Angel Reach, a nonprofit working with young people aging out of the foster care system and/or at risk of homelessness. The study seeks to understand the predictors and prerequisites of clients successfully completing Angel Reach's programming.
The Maker Economy: The Growing Demand of Small Urban Manufacturers in Houston
With guidance, funding, and technical support from TX/RX Labs, the Houston office of Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), and BeehiveFund/TMAC Gulf Coast, the Kinder Institute team set out to raise awareness around small urban manufacturing in Houston, culminating in this report.
While Houston continues to claim to be an affordable city, findings show that a lack of public transportation is making living in the city more difficult to access jobs in some areas.
Rice University
Kraft Hall
6100 Main Street, Suite 305
Houston, TX 77005-1892