Why we’re taking a closer look at housing quality — and why we need your help
URBAN EDGE : January 16, 2025
Over the last several years, we have come to understand that Houston is no longer as affordable as it once was. At the same time, relatively little has been learned about the quality of the places and spaces people call “home.” That’s why the Kinder Institute’s Housing Quality Registry is so urgently needed.
About half of Harris County residents unable to pay an unexpected $400 bill
URBAN EDGE : June 28, 2024
An increasing number of Harris County residents are unable to readily come up with $400 to cover an unexpected expense — such as replacing tires worn out from crumbling roads, replacing a refrigerator full of food after the electricity is knocked out for a couple of days, or having a kid get sick or injured and needing to make a visit to an urgent care facility.
How homeownership is changing throughout Houston and Harris County
URBAN EDGE : June 20, 2024
Buying a home continues to be a good investment: It has a better rate of return than most other investments, and unlike stocks, a home provides shelter, a fundamental human need. Unfortunately, it is an investment that far exceeds the grasp of many Houston-area residents.
After getting the lights back on, what’s Houston’s biggest problem going forward?
URBAN EDGE : May 20, 2024
Over the course of about four weeks early in 2024, residents across Harris County were asked their opinions on a variety of topics as part of the Kinder Houston Area Survey. That includes a question that has been asked every year since the survey’s founding in 1982: “What would you say is the biggest problem facing people in the Houston area today?”
As Whitmire sets his agenda, surveys show Houstonians have a few ideas
URBAN EDGE : January 2, 2024
With John Whitmire taking the helm of the city of Houston, residents made it clear their top priorities for the new mayor are reducing crime, improving infrastructure and alleviating the high cost of housing. For his part, Whitmire addressed most of these issues during his campaign, setting lofty goals for his administration — but now it’s up to him and a new City Council to begin delivering.
Houstonians support policies to reduce firearm violence and injury at the local level
URBAN EDGE : November 15, 2023
A Texas gun control case is now in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court, which could either clear the way for more regulations or close the door to further restrictions on Second Amendment rights. The decision could take months, but no matter the outcome, our surveys show that most Houstonians would embrace a wide range of policies aimed at bolstering responsible gun ownership and public safety.
With economic concerns rising, Houstonians want more done to address the gap between rich and poor
URBAN EDGE : May 15, 2023
As economic aftershocks from the COVID-19 pandemic linger, Houstonians have a dimmer view of their prospects, according to the 42nd annual Kinder Houston Area Survey. With inflation and housing costs reaching record highs—and a potential recession on the horizon—optimism among survey respondents was at one of its lowest levels in nearly three decades. More than ever before, Houston residents are also in alignment that more must be done to close income gaps.
State of Housing: Houston real estate boom leaves a vulnerable situation in its wake
URBAN EDGE : June 22, 2022
The past two years have been a heady time for real estate, and as we emerge from the pandemic’s fog of uncertainty, the 2022 State of Housing report details an increasingly stressed situation in Harris County and Houston. Median prices now exceed $300,000 and are approaching $350,000, slipping out of reach for residents earning the median household income. Meanwhile, much of the already limited affordable rental housing stock is becoming increasingly vulnerable.