College and Workforce Outcomes of CTE Graduates in Houston
This series of briefs looked at CTE graduates' postsecondary education and workforce outcomes.
College and Workforce Outcomes of CTE Graduates in Houston
This series of briefs looked at CTE graduates' postsecondary education and workforce outcomes.
Examining Equitable Access to Health Resources, Support Staff and Technology Across HISD
This series of briefs examines whether HISD students across campuses have equitable access to health resources, support staff and technology.
Equity in the Classroom: Teacher Qualifications and Student Outcomes in HISD (Briefs 1-3)
This series of briefs focuses on teacher qualifications and student outcomes in the Houston Independent School District.
Understanding the Effect of HISD’s EMERGE Program on Student Outcomes
This brief examines the impact of the EMERGE program on the likelihood of participating students applying to and enrolling in selective colleges.
Staying in the Neighborhood: Examining Distance to Zoned Schools and Access to Transportation
This brief examines how students' living distance from their zoned school and access to district-provided school transportation impact enrollment decisions.
Kinder Houston Area Survey: 2023 Results
The 42nd Kinder Houston Area Survey provides a glimpse into how Houstonians are thinking about the economy, affordable housing, inequality, and other critical challenges and issues facing their communities.
Setting Kids up for Success: Supporting Early Education in the Houston Region
Join the Kinder Institute's Houston Education Research Consortium for a conversation highlighting recent pre-K research.
Social and Emotional Skills of Students in the Houston Independent School District (Briefs 2-5)
This series of briefs looks at how social and emotional skills are related to academic outcomes, absenteeism, and exclusionary discipline; the context of SSES skills; and the commonalities and differences between students’ self-ratings and teachers’ ratings of students’ SE skills.
Understanding and Addressing Student and Family Need in HISD
During this event, findings from a recent survey of HISD student and family needs will be shared. Breakout sessions will be organized around a series of key areas of need in the district, such as health, housing, basic needs, and extracurricular supports.
This brief examines the middle and high school outcomes of long-term English speakers in the Houston region, with a specific focus on how the timing of reclassification was associated with academic achievement and school engagement.
Equity in CTE Program Availability and Access
This study examined the availability and access to Career and Technical Education programs in HISD.
Postsecondary readiness broadly refers to how well students are prepared for education, employment or other pathways after high school.
HISD Student Needs Survey: Fall 2021
HISD's 2021 student needs survey measured student needs across five categories: health, mental health, basic needs, home learning environment, and enrichment activities.
This report proposes alternative definitions for student continuous enrollment. It also looks at the relationship between continuous enrollment and performance.
Learn about current and ongoing research efforts by Houston Education Research Consortium and Houston Independent School District researchers.
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Houston, TX 77005-1892