2024 Storm Impacts in Houston and Harris County: A Descriptive Overview
This brief provides an overview of the cumulative impact extreme weather had on Houston and Harris County residents from late April to early July.

Beyond Dollars and Cents: Exploring Budgeting, Saving, and Financial Security in the Houston Area
This study explores Harris County residents’ financial security, looking at their budgeting and saving practices, barriers people face to budgeting and saving, and how these practices relate to someone being able to withstand economic shocks.

Coffee & Quality Case Study #2: Alexander Jewish Family Service
The second Coffee & Quality Case Study focused on Alexander Jewish Family Service, a social service nonprofit working with individuals of all ages located in southwest Houston.

Opportunity Youth Healthcare Pipeline Study
The Opportunity Youth Healthcare Pipeline initiative seeks to connect youth with career opportunities in the health care sector in the Houston region. This in-depth study explores the operational dynamics, challenges, opportunities and successes of the program.

Kinder Houston Area Survey: 2024 Results
The 43rd annual Kinder Houston Area Survey provides an unparalleled look at current conditions in the region as well as the “Houston of Tomorrow.”

Kinder Houston Area Survey: 2022 Results
The 41st Kinder Houston Area Survey shares Houstonians’ views on the economy, crime, the pandemic and other issues related to the city’s demographic transformations.

Kinder Houston Area Survey: 2021 Results
For the past four decades, Rice University’s Kinder Houston Area Survey (KHAS) has been tracking the changing attitudes and beliefs of Harris County residents. The 2021 survey summarizes the most consequential changes and their implications for public policy initiatives going forward.

COVID-19 Pandemic in the Houston Region (Parts 1-3)
This three-report series focuses on the impact of the pandemic on families's well-being, employment, education and more.

A Bottom-Up Infrastructure Strategy for American Renewal
This report identifies infrastructure priorities identified by local and regional leaders around the nation. Conclusions provide an important set of guideposts about priorities the new administration should take into account in crafting a national infrastructure strategy.

The Urban Sun Belt: An Overview
This report documents the unique set of urban challenges Sun Belt Cities face.

This report examines the revenue structure and service levels for Texas' three largest cities: Houston, San Antonio and Dallas.

Kinder Houston Area Survey: 2020 Results
For close to four decades, the Kinder Houston Area Survey has been tracking the changing attitudes and experiences of Houstonians.

The Maker Economy: The Growing Demand of Small Urban Manufacturers in Houston
With guidance, funding, and technical support from TX/RX Labs, the Houston office of Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), and BeehiveFund/TMAC Gulf Coast, the Kinder Institute team set out to raise awareness around small urban manufacturing in Houston, culminating in this report.

Kinder Houston Area Survey: 2019 Results
Through 38 years of Houston surveys, KHAS has tracked responses to the economic and demographic transformations of the Bayou City.
Kinder Houston Area Survey: 2018 Results
37th annual Kinder Houston Area Survey

Urban Edge
Q&A: Industry, academia and community have opportunity to close Houston's skills gap
Tens of thousands of Houston-area high school students graduate each year into one of three career pathways: workforce, two-year college degree and four-year college degree.

How can Houstonians keep up — and keep their jobs — in the rapidly evolving AI landscape?
About 6 out of 10 residents expect the rise of artificial intelligence to have a major impact on Houston’s workforce in the near future, according to the 43rd Kinder Houston Area Survey.

After getting the lights back on, what’s Houston’s biggest problem going forward?
Over the course of about four weeks early in 2024, residents across Harris County were asked their opinions on a variety of topics as part of the Kinder Houston Area Survey. That includes a question that has been asked every year since the survey’s founding in 1982: “What would you say is the biggest problem facing people in the Houston area today?”

Why thousands of Houston-area households could soon lose a crucial internet subsidy
A program aimed at helping underserved communities afford internet service is expected to end in the coming months, a potential setback for efforts to close the digital divide.

Houston has the jobs, but employers must be willing to take a chance
There should be plenty of jobs available in the Greater Houston region this year, but is the area producing enough work-ready people to fill them?

Kinder Institute Luncheon 2025
The 2025 Kinder Institute Luncheon will celebrate the institute's 15th anniversary. Findings from the 44th Kinder Houston Area Survey will also be shared.

Kinder Institute Luncheon 2024
The 2024 Kinder Institute Luncheon will honor Dr. Marc. L. Boom, president and CEO of Houston Methodist. Findings from the 43rd Kinder Houston Area Survey will also be shared.

Kinder Institute Luncheon 2023
The annual luncheon brings together hundreds of business, nonprofit and community leaders to learn about the leading issues facing our community and country.

Ten Across Summit: The Future is Here
The Ten Across Summit will convene a premier group of leaders and experts to discuss important issues such as water, energy, infrastructure, equity, democracy and risk.

Kinder Institute Luncheon 2022
After two years of virtual events, the 2022 Kinder Institute Luncheon will once again be one of Houston’s most insightful gatherings of business and community leaders!

Kinder Institute Forum: Frederick Wherry
Professor Frederick Wherry, director of the Dignity and Debt Network, explains how credit visibility, credit scoring, and consumer credit markets serve as arenas for struggle over dignity and belonging.

Urban Reads: The Texas Triangle: An Emerging Power in the Global Economy
This online discussion explores the importance of the Texas Triangle, what makes it unique and its implications for Texas' economic future.

Kinder Institute Lunch-Out 2021
The Kinder Institute held its 2021 annual luncheon on Tuesday, May 11 as a virtual Lunch-Out. Guests from Houston and around the world gathered online to hear Stephen Klineberg and other institute leaders share the findings from the 40th Kinder Houston Area Survey, and discuss key aspects of the institute’s transformative efforts in response to the challenges of the pandemic.

The Metropolitan State of Texas: Securing the State's Prosperity and Competitiveness
The LBJ Urban Lab at The University of Texas at Austin, the Kinder Institute for Urban Research at Rice University and the George W. Bush Institute-SMU Economic Growth Initiative convened the state's top urban policy researchers for a summit addressing the most important issues in Texas cities: economic development, land use, housing, infrastructure and transportation.

Kinder Institute Forum: Richard Florida
Leading urbanist Richard Florida discusses the effect COVID-19 and its related economic, fiscal, social and political fallout have had on cities. He also outlines how post-pandemic, cities can rebuild to be more resilient and equitable.

Urban Reads: Stephen L. Klineberg
Kinder Institute Founding Director Stephen Klineberg talks with Director Bill Fulton about his new book, which tracks the progress of Houston during almost four decades of remarkable economic, demographic and technological change.

Kinder Institute Lunch-Out 2020
Stephen Klineberg presents the findings from the 39th Kinder Houston Area Survey. The event also honors Rev. William A. Lawson with the 2020 Stephen L. Klineberg Award for more than 60 years of service to Houston and its people.

Kinder Institute Forum: Henry Cisneros
Former Mayor and former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Henry Cisneros shares strategies for inclusive growth, improving urban and social infrastructure and planning for affordable housing.

Distinguished urban planner Alexander Garvin identifies shared elements of great downtowns, offers lessons from successful and failed projects, and charts a path forward to support downtowns into the twenty-first century.

Kinder Institute Luncheon 2019
The 2019 Kinder Institute luncheon gathered thousands of Houston’s business, nonprofit and community leaders to hear Stephen Klineberg present the findings from the 38th annual Kinder Houston Area Survey. The event also honored Jeff Hines, president and CEO of Hines.

Physical Address
Rice University
Kraft Hall
6100 Main Street, Suite 305
Houston, TX 77005-1892