This Is What Resiliency Planning Looks Like
OffCite | The Resilient by Design challenge offers lessons for resiliency planning that can address environmental crises as well as challenges in socioeconomic and racial inequity.
This Is What Resiliency Planning Looks Like
OffCite | The Resilient by Design challenge offers lessons for resiliency planning that can address environmental crises as well as challenges in socioeconomic and racial inequity.
Rethinking Disaster Recovery and Mitigation Funding in the Wake of Hurricane Harvey
This research brief provides context about how the recovery process is unfolding in the Hurricane Harvey-affected region and how the area can prevent a similar situation from happening again.
How To Improve The Recovery Funding Process
Eleven months post-Hurricane Harvey, what lessons have been learned?
Urban Review: Extreme Heat, MUDs and Rainwater
This week's roundup includes extreme heat, municipal utility districts after Harvey and a smarter stormwater management system in Los Angeles.
Q+A: Why The Harvey Health and Housing Registry Needs You
An innovative study tracking the effects of Hurricane Harvey looks for input from Houston-area residents, whether they were directly affected by the storm or not.
Building a More Resilient Housing System Event Report
This report by the Houston office of Local Initiatives Support Corporation and the Kinder Institute for Urban Research highlights key learnings and strategies from the “Building a More Resilient Housing System” event held on March 27, 2018.
Four Steps To Make Houston Housing More Resilient
With funding flowing to the region for recovery, how can Houston create a more resilient city amid a housing shortage?
Why Resiliency Is About Reframing Relationships
Experts share insights into planning and paying for resilience.
Harris County Receives Initial Harvey Buyout Funds
But it's not enough to cover the properties identified by the flood control district or those who submitted applications after Hurricane Harvey.
How To Make Your City More Resilient
Hint: Start by making it more inclusive.
Flooding Is Seen As a Regional Problem. What About Its Solutions?
Affected or not by Hurricane Harvey, Houston area residents want action on flooding, but regional approaches are still lacking.
Urban Review: Great Places, Empty San Diego Houses and New, Post-Harvey Development Regulations
This week, a look at the Great Places of Texas, new estimates of houses sitting vacant in San Diego, zoning fights in Los Angeles and Houston's new development regulations.
Getting Flood Mitigation Right: Five Lessons
A new report provides an exhaustive look at potential flood fixes and how to understand each.
Mitigating Flooding Requires Multiple Strategies
Engineering, green infrastructure and land protections must all be part of the flooding solution.
What We Mean When We Talk About Equitable Recovery
Local and national advocates and experts reflect on Houston's recovery thus far and where it can be improved.
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