Asthma, Safety Among Concerns For Pasadena Residents
A survey from several neighborhoods near the Ship Channel shows significant health burdens and highlights Harvey-related concerns.
Asthma, Safety Among Concerns For Pasadena Residents
A survey from several neighborhoods near the Ship Channel shows significant health burdens and highlights Harvey-related concerns.
Air Pollution An Ongoing Concern for Many Houston-Area Residents
More than half of Harris County residents said the area's air pollution control was fair or poor.
Urban Review: Maternal mortality, suburban growth and a Houston model for Cleveland transit
This week, a look at the latest responses to the new study on Texas maternal mortality rates, a deep dive into growth in the Houston area and Houston as a model for Cleveland.
How Does Government Spending Connect to Health Outcomes?
A new county-level analysis seeks to connect spending on things like parks, libraries and more to health outcomes.
CHIP’s Uncertain Future and Its Impact in Houston and Texas
County by county enrollment numbers show how many children would be affected if Congress fails to find long-term funding for the health insurance program.
Report: An Uneven Recovery After Harvey Threatens to Leave People Behind
Falling behind on bills, dealing with new health problems and other effects of the storm continue to plague the Texas Gulf Coast.
Harvey Recovery Raises Questions of Health Equity in Houston
"We are not taking care of the things that actually lead to healthy people, healthy families and healthy communities."
Who's Really Getting the Benefit? The Impact of Gentrification on Health
Gentrification can mean more green space and other amenities tied to health. But for whom?
E. coli Levels Up (Way Up) After Harvey
In some cases, E. coli levels were more than 57 times above the acceptable limit.
Remaking Houston Schools' Food System
"I'm not running a damn Luby's," said the new nutrition officer.
In Houston, Walking For Health and Change
The local branch of GirlTrek brings together black women to do a deceptively simple thing: walk.
Pick Your Policy Tool Focuses On Equity
Building a better, more equitable city, one policy at a time.
Assessing Houston's Zika Risk in 2017
With no reported cases on the books for 2017 here, how vulnerable is the metropolitan area going forward?
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