Housing Repair Needs Reported by Residents of Houston and Harris County
The Kinder Institute surveyed Houston and Harris County residents in targeted neighborhoods about the condition of their homes and neighborhoods.
Hurricane Harvey and Student Homelessness (Briefs 1 and 2)
Brief 1 of this two-part series examines the characteristics of students who became homeless due to Hurricane Harvey. Brief 2 explores the educational outcomes of these students.
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Latest Research
Reading Achievement Among English Language Learners
This study follows a single cohort of students from kindergarten through fifth grade, tracking reading growth.
How Do High Status Parents Choose Schools? Evidence From A Choice District
In-depth interviews with Houston-area parents in affluent neighborhoods sheds light on how families select schools.
Multiple Components of Race Data Library
Library of publicly available data sets on race
Copenhagen Area Survey Highlights
Now in its second year, the Kinder Institute’s Copenhagen Area Survey provides insight into the evolution of public opinions in a place widely considered to have some of the happiest residents in the world.
Shared Prospects: Hispanics and the Future of Houston
The rich data from this research provide a rare opportunity to explore systematically the experiences and perspectives of the different Hispanic communities over time and to assess their prospects for the future.
What Accounts For Health Disparities? Findings From the Houston Surveys (2001-2013)
Drawing on more than a decade worth of survey data, this report breaks down health disparities in the Houston area.
The Houston Education Survey: Public Perceptions in a Critical Time
This report presents some of the most important findings from the Houston Education Survey, the second of three focused surveys that are together called the “SHEA” studies (“Surveys of Health, Education, and the Arts”).
Houston Area Asian Survey: Diversity and Transformation Among Asians in Houston
Survey data provides insight into Houston's diverse Asian communities.
The Houston Arts Survey: Participation, Perceptions and Prospects
This report uses survey data to answer this question: How do Harris County residents experience the arts in their lives?
Houston Region Diversity Report
A joint report analyzing Census data from 1990, 2000 and 2010.
Physical Address
Rice University
Kraft Hall
6100 Main Street, Suite 305
Houston, TX 77005-1892