Beyond Dollars and Cents: Exploring Budgeting, Saving, and Financial Security in the Houston Area
This study explores Harris County residents’ financial security, looking at their budgeting and saving practices, barriers people face to budgeting and saving, and how these practices relate to someone being able to withstand economic shocks.

Coffee & Quality Case Study #2: Alexander Jewish Family Service
The second Coffee & Quality Case Study focused on Alexander Jewish Family Service, a social service nonprofit working with individuals of all ages located in southwest Houston.
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Latest Research
Is There Support for a Houston Independent School District Bond?
This study seeks to understand public support for education bonds among residents who live in the Houston Independent School District.

Texas School District Funding Gaps
This brief examines funding gaps in Texas schools districts and how they impact student performance.

The 2024 State of Housing in Harris County and Houston
The 2024 State of Housing in Harris County and Houston report explores the implications of increasing homeownership costs in the region.

Opportunity Youth Healthcare Pipeline Study
The Opportunity Youth Healthcare Pipeline initiative seeks to connect youth with career opportunities in the health care sector in the Houston region. This in-depth study explores the operational dynamics, challenges, opportunities and successes of the program.

Kinder Houston Area Survey: 2024 Results
The 43rd annual Kinder Houston Area Survey provides an unparalleled look at current conditions in the region as well as the “Houston of Tomorrow.”

Coffee & Quality Case Study #1: Angel Reach
This first Coffee & Quality Case Study focuses on Angel Reach, a nonprofit working with young people aging out of the foster care system and/or at risk of homelessness. The study seeks to understand the predictors and prerequisites of clients successfully completing Angel Reach's programming.

Career and Technical Education Alongside the STEM Endorsement in the Houston Area
This brief explores the connection between career and technical education programs and high school endorsements and what pathways students follow to complete and attain them.

Investigating Equity in Art Course Taking Across Houston ISD High Schools
This brief investigates the extent to which national trends in inequitable arts learning opportunity, at least in terms of secondary school course offerings and enrollment, occur in the Houston Independent School District (HISD).

This brief examines the summer school program in Houston ISD and identifies schools and/or students that may need additional resources during summer school.

STEM Endorsement and the Pathway to College (Briefs 1-4)
This series of briefs looks at a variety of factors for students in choosing and completing the STEM endorsement in Houston ISD, including access, race, gender and academic achievement. The briefs also examine whether endorsement completion predicts college enrollment.

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Rice University
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6100 Main Street, Suite 305
Houston, TX 77005-1892