Kinder Houston Area Survey: 2024 Results
The 43rd annual Kinder Houston Area Survey provides an unparalleled look at current conditions in the region as well as the “Houston of Tomorrow.”
Kinder Houston Area Survey: 2024 Results
The 43rd annual Kinder Houston Area Survey provides an unparalleled look at current conditions in the region as well as the “Houston of Tomorrow.”
Houston area led nation in issuing building permits for housing in 2023
Preliminary data recently released by the U.S. Census Bureau indicated that the Houston metropolitan statistical area led the nation in building permit activity for housing in 2023, with 50,444 single-family homes making up the majority of the 68,755 permits issued for residential units.
Working with community organizations, the Kinder Institute is engaged in an effort to survey residents in targeted neighborhoods about the condition of their homes and neighborhoods.
National report: Houston metro is second-worst for providing affordable housing options
A new national report suggests the Houston metro area is one of the worst in the country when it comes to affordable housing options for its lowest-income households.
Research shows benefits of guaranteed income as launch of Harris County pilot program nears
With applications for the new local guaranteed income program Uplift Harris now closed, the pilot is preparing to launch.
Residents leave Houston neighborhoods thanks in part to climate change
According to a report by First Street Foundation, 9% of census blocks in Harris County are listed as “climate abandonment areas,” where people are moving out due at least partially to climate change-related flood risk and not being replaced by incoming homebuyers.
Homeless coalition’s new CEO: Diversion, prevention key to reducing Houston’s unhoused population
With nearly 25 years of experience at social service agencies in Houston, Kelly Young is no stranger to the needs of the most vulnerable people in our area.
10 in 2023: Top stories from the Urban Edge
Housing costs, the economy, increasing demands on income and concerns about the environment weighed on the minds of Urban Edge readers in 2023.
With eviction rates high in Houston, tenants face a legal representation vacuum
The burden that the COVID-19 pandemic placed on renters helped lead to the founding of the Eviction Defense Coalition in March 2020. The member institutions, which operate in Harris County and Houston, continue to work in partnership while also arriving at similar but separate conclusions about the state of evictions in Houston.
Is buying a home easier or harder in Houston? Here’s how it compares to other Texas metros
By many accounts, the city of Houston has long been considered an affordable place to buy a home. But how well does it stack up against its peers in Texas? One way to look at this is to compare housing costs relative to income.
When students change schools, how often is the cost of housing to blame?
Tens of thousands of students in the Houston area change schools during the school year or over the summer, which poses a variety of problems for academic achievement, according to the Kinder Institute’s Houston Education Research Consortium. In some cases, students are not moving schools for academic reasons, but because of housing needs — their families are facing eviction or in search of more affordable rent.
Harris County has more FEMA-designated ‘disaster resilience zones’ than anywhere else
The Federal Emergency Management Agency this month began designating certain communities at high risk for natural disasters as “disaster resilience zones,” and Harris County — with 14 — has more than any other county in the United States.
Webinar: 2023 State of Housing in Harris County and Houston
This webinar includes a summary of the 2023 State of Housing in Harris County and Houston report. A panel discussion with local experts will follow.
Ending chronic homelessness remains a ‘moonshot’ opportunity for Houston
A number of public policy solutions could help Houston make further strides to reduce homelessness, but experts say what is truly needed is a recommitment from local leaders — and additional resources — to bring an end to chronic homelessness.
Pathways to homeownership: Collaborative aims to open doors in Houston, Harris County
The dream of homeownership remains an enduring aspiration for countless individuals and families across the United States. However, the reality often falls short, especially in urban areas grappling with housing affordability challenges, including Houston.
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