These Are Today's Top 10 "Urban Innovations"
Vertical farming, on-demand transit and intelligent street poles top the World Economic Forum's list.
These Are Today's Top 10 "Urban Innovations"
Vertical farming, on-demand transit and intelligent street poles top the World Economic Forum's list.
Don’t misinterpret Houston’s non-voting record
Houston voters rejected HERO. That doesn’t mean its residents aren’t progressive.
This is America: What the Debate Over Syrian Refugees Means for Those in Houston
Rejection of refugees and threats about funding confound an already desperate situation.
Houston is split on gay rights. So why did its equal rights ordinance fail spectacularly?
Houston elected an openly gay mayor three times. But it couldn't pass an equal rights ordinance that exists in many other cities.
Research Over Coffee: Lack of Black Lawmakers Can’t be Explained By Unwilling Candidates
Blacks are just as likely to seek high office, but they face smaller odds of success.
Transit, Development Issues Face Houston Mayoral Candidates
We present context around the candidates’ comments on their vision for the city.
Houston, Kinder Institute to Host Next City Vanguard Conference in 2016
What happens when you bring dozens of the country's most promising young urbanists to a city and set them loose to solve its biggest challenges?
What do Houston’s mayoral candidates think of our obesity epidemic?
Upcoming debate aims to shed light on public health issues
In Texas ‘colonias,’ third-world conditions are the norm
Some residents near the border scrape by without access to electricity or clean water
When, exactly, do protests become riots?
Media coverage focused on “thugs” can distract from broader concerns
It’s Scary Just How Little We Know About Local Elections
There’s no centralized hub for elections info, so key questions about democracy remain unanswered. With new funding from the Knight Foundation, we’re changing that.
Moody’s Gives Houston Negative Outlook
The city's economy is booming, but the city's finances aren't quite as rosy
Should the Census add more choices on gender?
Starting in 2000, the Census offered more flexible choices when it comes to race. Should it offer broader choices on gender too?
Is there a better way to warn residents of flooding?
Gauges, radar and modeling help area leaders know whether the Texas Medical Center is at risk of high water.
Mayoral candidates to debate health
The slew of candidates vying to become Houston’s next mayor will inevitably spend the next six months giving stump speeches about jobs, infrastructure and public safety.
Rice University
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6100 Main Street, Suite 305
Houston, TX 77005-1892