Examining the Math Behind Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner's Pension Reform Plan
The Kinder Institute analyzes the details of Houston's new pension reform package and explains how it compares to efforts in other cities.
Examining the Math Behind Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner's Pension Reform Plan
The Kinder Institute analyzes the details of Houston's new pension reform package and explains how it compares to efforts in other cities.
Houston Mayor Announces Pension Reform Package
Mayor Sylvester Turner says the plan will immediately reduce the city's unfunded liability by $2.5 billion. But not all the stakeholders are on board quite yet.
Suburban Sprawl and Poor Preparation Worsened Flood Damage in Louisiana
Craig E. Colten | September 6, 2016 If there is one lesson we have learned about floods, it is that records are made to be broken.
Mayoral Elections in Indiana: 2003-2015
The report examines a host of indicators regarding mayoral elections in Indiana, including mayoral races in 474 general elections and 706 primary elections in more than 120 Indiana cities.
Report: Indiana Mayoral Offices Shifting From Democrats to Republicans
Meanwhile, more than 20 percent of all mayoral elections in Indiana go uncontested.
Houston's Pensions Can Be Fixed, But as Other Cities Show Us, There's No Silver Bullet
The good news, for Houston, is there are clear steps it can take to manage its pension finances. The bad news? Almost all of them will cause some pain.
The Houston Pension Question: How the City's Pension Liability Grew and the Options for Reform
This report presents options for pension reform.
How Houston’s Unfunded Pension Liability Went From $0 to $4 Billion in Just 15 Years
There are two big reasons Houston’s pension challenges are growing. To fix the problem, they have to be addressed.
Data-sharing Efforts Aim to Improve Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice Outcomes
"Unless we know the scope of what we’re dealing with," one nonprofit says, "there’s no way to develop solutions to it."
Weekly Roundup: What It Would Mean to Have a Former Mayor As Vice President
Tim Kaine is the kind of guy whose "eyes lit up at the mention of land-use regulations," according to one observer.
Historic Freedmen's Town Houses Could Become City Landmarks
A group of Freedmen's Town homes could be the first public housing units in Houston to get the city's historical designation. The move is part of a growing movement that recognizes the links between housing and preservation.
Houston METRO Chair Shares Five Big Ideas for System's Future
Carrin Patman discusses Houston METRO's plans for an Uptown connection; Hobby airport; and how she plans to coordinate with City Hall.
What the Ashby High-Rise Case Means for the Future of Houston Development
The ruling should help eliminate uncertainty around Houston development and promote more clarity around the city's brand of "zoning lite."
Protesters, in the 1970s and today, turned to the streets to force conversations into the public eye.
Why Is It So Hard to Improve American Policing?
The techniques associated with "democratic policing" reforms are well-known. But they bump up against political and financial realities of the 12,000-plus local police agencies across the U.S.
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