Latest Posts
Trust and Segregation in a Diverse City
How do segregation and diversity affect what sociologists call generalized trust?
In San Antonio, Armed Groups Oppose Confederate Statue's Removal
As Houston weighs what to do next, tension escalates in San Antonio.
Dallas-Houston High-Speed Rail Takes A Step Forward
Good news for people eagerly awaiting the high-speed connection.
Remaking Houston Schools' Food System
"I'm not running a damn Luby's," said the new nutrition officer.
Q+A: Energy and Houston's Future
Innovation is everything, but is Houston up to the challenge?
Streetlights and Crime in Houston: What's the Connection?
A new report sheds light on a much-debated topic.
Infill Development Could Make or Break San Antonio
Commentary: "It’s getting ugly out there," says architect Jim Bailey.
Pension Obligation Bonds Will Be on Houston’s Ballot
So what does that mean?
A new mapping tool overlays current demographic data with historic redlining maps.
Q+A: The Persistent Appeal of the Suburbs
Once racially exclusive, suburbs are now diversifying. But with renewed interest in cities, what will this mean for residents?
Physical Address
Rice University
Kraft Hall
6100 Main Street, Suite 305
Houston, TX 77005-1892