Houstonians' tolerance for higher taxes and fees could soon be tested by city's budget woes
Yes, Houston is facing an exorbitant budget deficit. But residents still want a better city.
Houstonians' tolerance for higher taxes and fees could soon be tested by city's budget woes
Yes, Houston is facing an exorbitant budget deficit. But residents still want a better city.
Religious identities shift in Houston and the U.S. with rise of the ‘nones’
In the last 15 years, more Houstonians have become religiously unaffiliated, according to the Kinder Houston Area Survey. In the 2009 survey, 54% of respondents identified as Protestant and 31% as Catholic. In 2024, Protestants decreased to 38% and Catholics to 26%.
Harris County contends with shortage of mental health workers despite landmark state investment
One of the barriers to accessing mental health care in Harris County and across Texas is a workforce shortage in the field.
Houston’s new homes: Smaller, more expensive and farther away
In 2023, Harris County saw a record number of new homes sold — nearly 10,000 — highlighting the region’s growing housing supply amid a broader affordability crisis.
Doing the math: What it would cost to close Houston’s low-income housing gap
America’s housing shortage and housing costs have emerged as talking points in the race for the White House, with Vice President Kamala Harris addressing these problems in her opening remarks during the presidential debate with Donald Trump in September. Fixing them, however, will require federal, state and local action — and, of course, a lot of money.
Houston has an independent political streak, but it mirrors the nation on several key issues
Houston has had a lengthy run of residents affiliating as politically independent, according to 40-plus years of Kinder Houston Area Surveys.
Houston’s rising homeowner insurance rates aren’t helping a widening affordability gap
Homeowners looking for a break from rising costs will probably not get any as recent disasters are pushing insurance rates higher.
Beryl, derecho, power outages amplify Houstonians’ concerns about climate, resilience
Climate change and its impacts weighed heavily on the minds of residents in the 43rd Kinder Houston Area Survey. Those concerns have been repeatedly validated in recent months.
Why Houston’s progress on homelessness is in jeopardy
Homelessness is an ongoing challenge for the Greater Houston area, but one it handles better than most of its peers. That may soon change if new sources of funding are not secured by 2025.
National report: Houston metro is second-worst for providing affordable housing options
A new national report suggests the Houston metro area is one of the worst in the country when it comes to affordable housing options for its lowest-income households.
Mayors express uncertainty about inflation bill’s climate change efforts in national survey
When the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law on Aug. 16, 2022, the White House referred to it as “the most significant action Congress has taken on clean energy and climate change in the nation’s history.” But the majority of mayors said its impact has been marginal in a report conducted by the Boston University Initiative on Cities.
Who are Houston’s newcomer students, and how can schools help them succeed?
When immigrant children and teens enter the United States, the transition can be overwhelming.
Why thousands of Houston-area households could soon lose a crucial internet subsidy
A program aimed at helping underserved communities afford internet service is expected to end in the coming months, a potential setback for efforts to close the digital divide.
Research shows benefits of guaranteed income as launch of Harris County pilot program nears
With applications for the new local guaranteed income program Uplift Harris now closed, the pilot is preparing to launch.
Houston needs skilled workers. They might be at your local high school.
Houston is facing a growing demand for highly educated and skilled workers.
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