Student Mobility During School Year Detrimental for Houston Area Students’ Achievement and Attainment

Tens of thousands of students in the Houston area switched schools during the school year annually. This study examined what this mobility meant for students’ performance on state accountability tests, high school grade retention, high school dropout, and high school graduation.

Tens of thousands of students in the Houston area switched schools during the school year annually. In moving from one school to another, students often experienced disruptions to their education. This study examined what this mobility meant for students’ performance on state accountability tests, high school grade retention, high school dropout, and high school graduation.

In the state of Texas, students who changed schools during the school year saw a decline in their State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) scores. Student mobility also increased the chances a student was retained during their freshman year of high school. Finally, students who changed schools were at a higher risk of dropping out of high school and were less likely to graduate on‐time (i.e., within four years).

Photo: Pexels

Changing Schools: Student mobility in Texas and across the Houston region (Parts 1-3)
Feb. 25, 2021

Houston Education Research Consortium, in collaboration with 10 public school districts in the Houston area, embarked on a multi-year study of student mobility in Texas and across the Houston area to better understand which students change schools and the consequences those changes have for educational outcomes.

The Relationship Between School-Year Mobility and School Performance in the Houston Area
Dec. 1, 2021

A study of 10 public school districts in the Houston area found that the higher the school-year mobility rate at a school, the lower its accountability performance.

Student Mobility Report
Student Mobility in Texas and the Houston Area
Jan. 4, 2022

This report is the culmination of a multi-year study on student mobility undertaken by the Kinder Institute for Urban Research's Houston Education Research Consortium in collaboration with 10 public school districts in the Houston area.

Student Mobility

Research from the Kinder Institute on student mobility includes a multiyear study in Texas and across the Houston area to better understand which students change schools and the consequences those changes have on educational outcomes.

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