Urban Edge
Urban Review: Driverless Cars, Art and Taxes and a Call to Action for the Texas Delegation
A step by step guide to planning for driverless tech, a city that raised taxes to fund art and a call to get moving on Harvey relief.
Welcome to Acres Homes. Acres Home. Acreage Homes?
A community in transition contemplates its future and its name.
Listen: Near Northside Awaits I-45 Project and the History of Houston’s Transportation Struggles
The podcast is back with a visit to one of the neighborhoods in the path of a major highway project and an interview with Kyle Shelton about his history of Houston transportation decisions.
Perspective: From the Notebook of Pedestrian Pete
A lifetime thinking about his hometown and beautiful spaces across the world led him to believe in the power of place.
What Should Houston’s Regional Transit Network Look Like in 2045?
Now’s your chance to weigh in.
Physical Address
Rice University
Kraft Hall
6100 Main Street, Suite 305
Houston, TX 77005-1892