Houston Promises 50 Miles of New Bikeways in Next Year
With $10 million from one county precinct and an additional $5.5 million over five years from the city, the promise marks a step forward for the recent bike plan.
Houston Promises 50 Miles of New Bikeways in Next Year
With $10 million from one county precinct and an additional $5.5 million over five years from the city, the promise marks a step forward for the recent bike plan.
Urban Review: Driverless Cars, Art and Taxes and a Call to Action for the Texas Delegation
A step by step guide to planning for driverless tech, a city that raised taxes to fund art and a call to get moving on Harvey relief.
Excerpt: How Class, Race and Struggles Over Transportation Shaped Houston
Read from Kyle Shelton’s new book about the history of Houston’s transportation struggles and how they shaped today’s landscape and politics.
Houston and the Netherlands: Lessons in Flood Resilience
The Dutch can share its lessons with Houston when it comes to flooding, but Houston offers its own insights too.
With a new national Complete Streets report out, how has Houston done?
As Atlanta Faces Transportation Challenges, Panel Recommends State Transit Funding
Atlanta-area residents rank traffic and transportation as their biggest concerns. A new set of recommendations from a state committee could remedy the situation.
New Report Urges More Sidewalks, Less Parking in Houston
Houstonians complain about traffic all the time, but in a new report, they offer solutions.
Cities Are Infected With "Mega-Event Syndrome." One Geographer Says He Has the Cure
Events like the Olympics and World Cup often become headaches for cities and fail to live up to the economic hype. A geographer says cities need to wean themselves off their addition to those spectacles.
U.S. Cities, Facing Infrastructure Funding Crunch, Pursue Self-Help
As federal funding becomes less reliable, some cities are finding ways of funding infrastructure on their own. But their ability to do so is largely dictated by their state governments.
What 2016 Will Look Like for Transit in the Sun Belt
Here’s a snapshot of major projects in Los Angeles, Dallas, and Phoenix, among other places, unfolding in the upcoming year.
Download our last podcast of 2015
Our latest podcast features a discussion with an artist who explains why urban architecture makes the perfect topic for a coloring book.
Ferguson, Occupy Wall Street, and the rise “Infrastructural Citizenship”
Since WWII, public infrastructure has played a pivotal role in public debates.
These Are Today's Top 10 "Urban Innovations"
Vertical farming, on-demand transit and intelligent street poles top the World Economic Forum's list.
How Communities Leverage the Power of “Infrastructural Citizenship”
Highways and other major infrastructure are essential, yet often disruptive, elements of urban living.
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