Changing Schools: Differences in School Year Student Mobility by Subgroup (Part 4)

Photo courtesy of the Center for Disease Control via Unsplash

This study used seven years of data from the state of Texas (2010-11 through 2016-17) to illustrate how statewide patterns of school year student mobility differed by subgroup. Patterns of student mobility differed by race, socioeconomic status, and English learner status.

This study used seven years of data from the state of Texas (2010-11 through 2016-17) to illustrate how statewide patterns of school year student mobility differed by subgroup. There were differences in the rates of mobility during the school year by both race and socioeconomic status. Specifically, Black students and economically disadvantaged students had higher mobility rates than their peers from other subgroups. There were also subgroup differences in the destination of these moves. A higher percent of the moves made by Hispanic and Black students, economically disadvantaged students, and English learners (EL) students took place within districts. A higher percent of moves made by White, Asian, and non-economically disadvantaged students took place out of the Texas Public School System (TPSS).

Photo: Center for Disease Control/Unsplash

Changing Schools: Student mobility in Texas and across the Houston region (Parts 1-3)
Feb. 25, 2021

Houston Education Research Consortium, in collaboration with 10 public school districts in the Houston area, embarked on a multi-year study of student mobility in Texas and across the Houston area to better understand which students change schools and the consequences those changes have for educational outcomes.

Student Mobility Report
Student Mobility in Texas and the Houston Area
Jan. 4, 2022

This report is the culmination of a multi-year study on student mobility undertaken by the Kinder Institute for Urban Research's Houston Education Research Consortium in collaboration with 10 public school districts in the Houston area.

Student Mobility

Research from the Kinder Institute on student mobility includes a multiyear study in Texas and across the Houston area to better understand which students change schools and the consequences those changes have on educational outcomes.

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