Urban Edge
Why Big Cities Have Cube-Shaped Buildings
As cities grow, their buildings get taller, which gives them the potential to become more energy efficient. But only up to a point.

Exit Interview: Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker
The urban planner-turned-mayor reflects on his 8 years in office and how he helped transform the city.

Why Cities Should Embrace "Psychogeography"
Neuroscientist Colin Ellard explains the intersection of psychology, architecture, and urban design

Chart of the Week: Cities Are More Focused on Mitigating Climate Change than Adapting to It
The biggest hurdles cities around the world face in their climate planning efforts is unsurprisingly simple: money.

Amid Climate Talks, One U.S. City Takes Especially Decisive Action
Experts say San Diego's efforts to fight climate change are unparalleled.

Physical Address
Rice University
Kraft Hall
6100 Main Street, Suite 305
Houston, TX 77005-1892