Urban Review: Texas Highways Forever, A Digital Humanities Response to Family Separation and More
In this week's roundup: basic universal income, mapping ICE, the future of bus driving and why Texas keeps building highways.
Urban Review: Texas Highways Forever, A Digital Humanities Response to Family Separation and More
In this week's roundup: basic universal income, mapping ICE, the future of bus driving and why Texas keeps building highways.
Urban Review: New Black Cities, Prop. 13 40 Years On and Texas' Migrant Child Detention Facilities
This week, a look at newly formed majority-black cities and some of the challenges they face, the legacy of Prop. 13 according to California residents and a map documenting the migrant children being held across Texas.
Here's What We Know About Immigrant Children Being Separated from their Families
Texas Tribune | Here's what we know about immigrant children being separated from their families
Urban Review: Robot Work, Documenting Detention Centers and World Cup
This week, World Cup kicks off, experts ponder a future of robot work and a new report looks at detention centers across Texas and what happens to the people held inside them.
Refugee Realities: Between National Challenges and Local Responsibilities in Houston, TX
This report provides a comprehensive picture of ongoing challenges to refugee resettlement in Houston.
A new report sheds light on how assistance for refugees has shifted its focus to short-term employment, at the expense of the new arrivals' well-being.
Texas Tribune | Even before last year's protests, lawmaker scuffles and marathon committee hearings over "sanctuary" legislation, Texas counties were some of the most compliant when it came to immigration enforcement, a new study shows.
Shared Prospects: Hispanics and the Future of Houston
The rich data from this research provide a rare opportunity to explore systematically the experiences and perspectives of the different Hispanic communities over time and to assess their prospects for the future.
Houston Area Asian Survey: Diversity and Transformation Among Asians in Houston
Survey data provides insight into Houston's diverse Asian communities.
Houston's Ethnic Communities: Third Edition
With immigration and economic transformation guiding shifts in the Houston area and across the country, this report draws on several years worth of survey data to capture the way these new realities are being experienced by members of Houston's ethnic populations.
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