America’s Highways are Crumbling. Is That a Bad Thing?
Former Milwaukee mayor urges cities to re-think the urban highway and focus on the street grid.
America’s Highways are Crumbling. Is That a Bad Thing?
Former Milwaukee mayor urges cities to re-think the urban highway and focus on the street grid.
How to Get Your City Walking, DIY-Style
North Carolina-startup offers communities a fast and inexpensive way to encourage pedestrians to explore
OKC Mayor urges cities to have “high standards”
Quality-of-life, he argues, is the most effective economic development tool a place can have.
How Oklahoma City's mayor got his city off "the list"
Mick Cornett to discuss the link between urban planning and public health June 30.
Rice University
Kraft Hall
6100 Main Street, Suite 305
Houston, TX 77005-1892