Understanding the Effect of HISD’s EMERGE Program on Student Outcomes
This brief examines the impact of the EMERGE program on the likelihood of participating students applying to and enrolling in selective colleges.
Understanding the Effect of HISD’s EMERGE Program on Student Outcomes
This brief examines the impact of the EMERGE program on the likelihood of participating students applying to and enrolling in selective colleges.
In this research brief, we focus on the profiles of the 2016-2017 cohort of EMERGE applicants.
Finishing What My Parents Started: College Aspirations among EMERGE Students
This brief describes findings from interviews with high-performing high school sophomores from low-socioeconomic backgrounds who applied and were accepted into EMERGE during spring 2018, before any exposure to EMERGE programming. The goal of this study was to understand how students develop college aspirations and search for postsecondary institutions.
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