Changing Schools: Student mobility in Texas and across the Houston region (Parts 1-3)
RESEARCH : February 25, 2021
Houston Education Research Consortium, in collaboration with 10 public school districts in the Houston area, embarked on a multi-year study of student mobility in Texas and across the Houston area to better understand which students change schools and the consequences those changes have for educational outcomes.
A Bottom-Up Infrastructure Strategy for American Renewal
RESEARCH : February 10, 2021
This report identifies infrastructure priorities identified by local and regional leaders around the nation. Conclusions provide an important set of guideposts about priorities the new administration should take into account in crafting a national infrastructure strategy.
House Bill 5 and High School Endorsements: How Do They Align to College Admissions?
RESEARCH : December 14, 2020
This policy brief describes the Texas high school graduation requirements put into effect through the passage of House Bill 5 in 2013. The brief contends the introduction of academic endorsements, similar to college majors, may create clearer paths to selective college enrollment for students studying STEM.
Preparing Today’s Students for Tomorrow’s Texas Workforce
RESEARCH : August 6, 2020
Motivated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s 60×30TX strategic plan, this project examined the path to and through college and into the workforce for students in the Houston area and state of Texas.
Will tuition-free college increase college graduation rates?
RESEARCH : August 4, 2020
This study determined the optimal tuition subsidy necessary to increase two- and four-year college graduation in Texas. The study also estimated the per pupil and total cost of potential subsidies, and compared how they might affect college graduation rates.
School-to-Work Linkages in Texas
RESEARCH : July 29, 2020
This report examined school-to-work linkages among bachelor’s degree holders in the state of Texas. Linkage is a measure of how closely connected college majors are to specific occupations in the labor market.
Transitioning to College and Work: Labor Market Analyses in Houston and Texas (Part 3)
RESEARCH : July 15, 2020
Part 3 of the Houston Longitudinal Study on the Transition to College and Work (HLS) examined supply and demand for labor in the Houston area and Texas; in-demand occupations and skills in the Houston area; and early career wages and unemployment receipt among high school graduates from the Houston IndependentSchool District (HISD).