Urban Edge
Houston residents celebrate Buffalo Bayou Partnership's plans for the east side
The partnership and other city officials presented the plan, which aims to be authentic, connective, inclusive and resilient.
Houston's Complete Communities to get 5G service
During a roundtable discussion Monday, Houston's mayor and others discussed the importance of 5G equity.
Texas cities 'surprisingly' featured in report about combating green gentrification
Park improvements and gentrification are said to go hand in hand, but a new report sheds light on how this trend can stop.
How American cities are handling neighborhood change, gentrification and displacement
According to a Kinder Institute report released last year, the pace of neighborhood change in Houston has accelerated since the year 2000.
'Invisible Women:' How cities aren't including women in their plans
From city infrastructure to car safety to proper lighting to health, cities can do better to be more inclusive toward women's urban needs.
Physical Address
Rice University
Kraft Hall
6100 Main Street, Suite 305
Houston, TX 77005-1892