Complimentary parking will be available in West Lot 5. A parking attendant will be stationed at the entrance located on the Greater Loop (see map for details).
Emergent bilingual (EB) students are those whose home language is not English. There are 1.3 million EB students in Texas public schools, representing almost a quarter of the student population. These students receive additional instruction and services to help them achieve the English language skills necessary to receive English-only instruction, a process called reclassification. Students who reclassify as English proficient before they start middle school often go on to succeed academically on par with or surpassing students who were never EB. In comparison, students who do not reclassify before middle school are at risk for multiple negative educational outcomes, including lower scores on state and national tests, greater risk of dropping out of high school and a lower likelihood of attending college.
Researchers will discuss the opportunities and challenges of being an EB student. This event is geared toward school leaders, community organizations, policymakers and individuals in the Houston area who are interested in learning how to support EB students in the Houston region.
The presentation and key takeaways from the event will be translated live in Spanish.
Hay 1.3 millones de estudiantesbilingües emergentes asistiendo aescuelas públicas en Texas,representando casi una cuarta parte dela población de estudiantes. Estosestudiantes reciben instrucciónadicional y servicios para ayudarles aadquirir competencia en inglés. Nuestros Investigadores discutirán lasoportunidades y retos de ser bilingüeemergente, y cómo brindar el mejorapoyo a este grupo de estudiantes.
PNC is the presenting sponsor of the Kinder Institute's Education Research Engagement Series. PNC Grow Up Great, a multiyear, bilingual initiative, helps prepare children from birth to age 5 for success in school and life.